Three Things to Check When Selecting a Poker Training Site

If you are thinking about investing in some poker training, you will want to check out a few things before actually getting involved with a training site. First, is the site’s credentials? Does the site credit poker training with the skills it has promised? Does the site offer a track record of success? And, finally,… Continue reading Three Things to Check When Selecting a Poker Training Site

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Poker Tournaments – Gap Concept

Sometimes in tournaments there come times when a special situation arises. One of these situations that a player can encounter during a poker tournament is known under the name of gap concept. The terminology of gap concept was first pioneered by an extraordinary poker writer named David Skylansky. This basically means that when you are… Continue reading Poker Tournaments – Gap Concept

Categorized as gambling

A Poker Aquarium

Raise your hand if you like fish – any kind, however big or small they are. There are few things that set fish apart from the other fish, other than the fact that they’re mostly dark pink because they lack the ink on their belly. They also have little eyes, like that of a caterpillar,… Continue reading A Poker Aquarium

Categorized as gambling

How to Win at Online Bingo

Winning at online Bingo is not impossible if you know just how to play the game before you get started. Before joining any online bingo community, it is important to know the laws of your area and consult with your local authorities to ensure that nothing resembling gambling, betting or prize-winning is going on in… Continue reading How to Win at Online Bingo

Categorized as gambling